Jiles's Blog

Who Am I?

17 years spent living and working in Champagne has allowed Jiles to build up a vast amount of knowledge about all things bubbly as well as a very extensive network of contacts, especially amongst the smaller and less well-known champagne makers whose champagnes will probably amaze you with their quality and diversity.

A job as area manager for Asia and Australia with Moët et Chandon was what first drew Jiles to Champagne after completing an MBA in Luxury Brand Management at ESSEC, a prestigious business school just outside Paris.

After nearly 9 years at Moët Jiles moved back to the UK where he started one of the first online businesses promoting and selling grower champagnes,

However the draw of ‘The King of Wines and the Wine of Kings’ once again proved irresistible and another 8 year stay in Champagne was the result. During this second stay in Champagne Jiles worked with the Syndicat Général des Vignerons de Champagne as an accedited consultant for small, independent champagne makers before setting up his own consultancy.

Jiles now spends his time between England and Champagne.and puts his knowledge and contacts to work helping wine lovers everywhere learn more about champagne and helping businesses and individuals to create their own private champagne brand.

He is the author of two books on champagne, several concise guides to champagne  and is the creator of an online champagne study course called My Champagne Expert





Looking back on the 2023 harvest

You may well have read several reports already about this year’s harvest in Champagne, but the few weeks that have passed since picking and pressing stopped may allow us to get a more complete assessment of the situation and I would say that the verdict is that what promised to be an exceptional year has come up just a little short.

It was a year of contradictions: overall a good vintage, but perhaps not a great vintage.

No solutions, just trade-offs

The weather up until August was fairly benign with no unusual bouts of frost nor any problems with disease in the vineyards. However, August was warm, wet and humid: perfect conditions for rot to set in and this soon became a major concern that threatened to get worse with every passing day.

Pourriture 2

Any bunches affected by rot should not be picked because they can give an unpleasant taste to the juice off the press so, widespread rot means that picking has to be done very carefully to leave out rotten bunches, but this takes more time and, as in so many instances, more time taken to harvest means higher costs, so there’s a trade-off to be found between quality and cost.

The start dates for the harvest were fixed for the first week, or so, of September – the exact date varying from village to village and from one grape variety to another. By this time much warmer weather had arrived which usually means that the sugar level in the grapes (and therefore the potential alcohol) would increase quickly, but this didn’t seem to be happening and the sugar levels were only creeping up slowly.

This presented another dilemma for the wine makers: should they wait a few days longer to allow the sugar levels to rise, or should they pick as soon as possible before rot caused more damage to the crop?

In general, those who decided to harvest sooner rather than later came off better, not least because even for those who waited a few days more, the sugar levels never really got up to 100 which is what would normally be expected.

Usually, this low sugar level would mean that the level of acidity in the grapes, which has an inverse relationship with the level of sugar, would remain fairly high, but somewhat strangely, this year the level of acidity also remained quite low.

Great Champagne always needs a good degree of acidity and of sugar and so the combination of lowish levels of both sugar and acidity could be problematic, but this could turn out to be a blessing in disguise.

The lowish levels of sugar remind some people of the harvests that were common some 15 or 20 years ago which would be no bad thing give the high quality of some of the vintages from that period.

On the positive side, it was a big harvest with the vines fully laden and what’s more, the weight of the bunches was unprecedented with some being as much as 1 kg (2.2 lbs). In theory that should mean more juice from which to make champagne, but the problem with rot meant that not every bunch could be picked so the final yield was not as large as had seemed likely a few months ago.



Big bunches reduced

Another positive measure was the announcement that amount of wine that is allowed to be put into reserves was increased. This is especially important at the moment because stocks have been run right down over the past couple of years as a result of small harvest in 2020 and 2021 coupled with strong increases in sales.

In addition, the relatively low levels of acidity may mean that the champagnes from 2023 will not need quite so many years ageing in the cellars and so will be ready for sale sooner rather than later.

In the days and weeks following the harvest, the first job is to carry out the first alcoholic fermentation that turns the grapes juice into still wine. It’s important that the fermentation takes place slowly and steadily because that preserves the full breadth of aromas in the wine. Normally fermentation takes about 2 weeks to complete but some reports indicate that this year the fermentation was more rapid than usual for reasons which are not entirely clear.

Nevertheless, some vignerons are saying that this year’s wines are very aromatic, so once again we have something of a contradiction at play.

Inox vats

The lowish levels of sugar remind some people of the harvests that were common some 15 or 20 years ago. Who knows if this trend will continue? It seems unlikely given that average temperatures have risen noticeably over the past 15 years or more, but only time will tell.

Other issues

On the subject of rising temperatures, a lot of attention was given, not unsurprisingly, to the fact that at least 4 grape pickers died in the vineyards due to the heat which was well above 300C on some days during the harvest.

I imagine that this will lead to earlier starts for pickers in the morning and perhaps even to harvesting at night.

Also in the news in Champagne were stories about the working conditions for the harvesters, which in some cases were reportedly appalling.

Some 100,000 people come to Champagne each year to take part in the harvest and this puts a huge strain on the local infrastructure. Many travellers come to earn money doing the harvest and it’s a common site to see groups of caravans parked on any spare piece of ground.


In past times, pickers were often housed and fed by the champagne makers and this is still true in some cases, and the traditional end-of-harvest meal called 'Le Cochelet' is an experience not to be missed, but stricter regulations about the standard of accommodation led to many champagne makers having to abandon the idea of housing the pickers because the cost of upgrading the facilities was too great.

Tissier meal

In principle, this improvement in standards was a good move designed to make life easier for the grape pickers however, with fewer pickers being lodging ‘in-house’, more of them need somewhere else to stay and that means even more caravan and camping sites where conditions are not good, to say the least.

To make matters worse there have been many allegations of so-called ‘gang-masters’ recruiting workers from outside France and exploiting them in all manner of ways.

The majority of champagne houses are very responsible and pay their pickers decently, but unfortunately there are almost a few ‘bad apples’.

In any event, conditions were said to be so bad in some cases that the story hit the local and national press with the result that an inquiry was set up which should see things much improved for next year.

Thank you for reading this bulletin from Champagne and do come back again next month for more news.

Until then,

All the best




This month’s Champagne Bulletin (August) is a few days late coming out because I wanted to wait until 2nd September when the official harvest dates in Champagne were announced.

Many of you will not know that, like so many things in Champagne, even the date on which you can start picking is regulated.

Every year the Comité Champagne publishes a list of start dates for every village within the Appellation area; in addition, the start date for each grape variety is stipulated too. You can see an extract from the official timetable in the screenshot below.

Harvest dates


This make perfect sense when you consider the fact that the Champagne region covers an area that is approximately 120 kilometres from the northern most village to the southernmost and roughly the same distance from east to west. Inevitably the weather conditions, and hence the rate at which the grapes reach full maturity, are going to vary considerably and so applying the same start date to everyone would make little sense.

Champagne area


Although the dates are announced quite late in the season – in the case of this year, only about 5 days before picking can start – this doesn’t mean that the dates are decided in a hurry. A great deal of work has been going on over the previous month or more, in villages across the length and breadth of Champagne, to monitor the health of the grapes and the pace at which they are developing.

The size and weight of the bunches are measured; the sugar and acidity levels of the grapes are analysed as well as the potential alcohol content. Likewise, the presence of any sign of disease is carefully watched and weather forecasts meticulously consulted. In this way, by the time the official start dates are announced a broad agreement amongst the vignerons has been reached. If any individual grape grower feels that he or she must start picking before the official start date, they can ask for a what is called a ‘dérogation’ to do so.

As this year’s harvest approaches there is more excitement than usual with the 2023 being hailed by some as something very special although others are more cautious and frankly, a little confused by some of the anomalies that are appearing.

The weather since the beginning of the year has been relatively kind to Champagne: no major damage due to spring frosts, mild weather from then on that allowed the flowering to take place as expected and no dramatic events at all. All this means that there will be plenty of grapes to pick which is welcome news because champagne makers still need to rebuild stocks after a few years in which demand has considerably outstripped supply.

What’s more, the weight of the bunches is breaking all records. In some cases, the weight per bunch is reaching 220 – 240 grams which compares with an average from previous years of about 180 grams per bunch. This phenomenon is due, at least in part, to the increased rainfall in August which, on the positive side, has plumped up the grapes to give more juice, but on the negative side, has diluted the sugar content.

 Ripe grapes

In addition, the rain coupled with warm weather has produced high levels of humidity in recent weeks that have caused outbreaks of mildew and rot. This will require pickers to be extra vigilant so as not to cut any bunches that are badly affected.

Pourriture 2


The big question that all champagne makers will have to decide on is whether to start picking as soon as possible or to wait a few days more.

Starting early might mean that the health of the bunches is optimised by avoiding the risk of rot becoming more widespread, although that choice could mean that the potential alcohol level is below the generally accepted minimum levels of 10 degrees.

On the other hand, waiting a few days more runs the risk of more widespread rot setting in, but increases the chances of the sugar, and hence the potential alcohol, levels nudging up to and over the optimum benchmark.

As ever, this year’s harvest will be one to watch with great interest, but by the end of September much will be revealed.

I'll report back in a few weeks and keep you updated

All the best


Jiles Halling




2023 - So Far So Good

Jiles 1Regular readers of this bulletin will remember how often I have mentioned the shortage of stock that resulted from two small harvests in 2020 and 2021 coupled with a big increase in demand since the end of the worldwide health incident.

The large harvest in 2022 that will gradually bring more bottles onto the market from 2024 onwards, has gone some way to restore the balance between supply and demand but another generous harvest, or two, is needed before one can say things are back to ‘normal’.

It’s encouraging therefore to see that all the signs so far this year would suggest another significant harvest to come in a few months’ time.

Despite a few nights in early Spring when temperatures dropped below freezing point, the damage to the vines was neither widespread nor severe, Generally speaking, temperatures were a little below what we’ve experienced in the past few years and this meant that the budburst was a week or ten days later than might have been expected.

There was some strain on the vines because the winter period was unusually dry, but heavy rain from mid-March through to the end of April, when Champagne had twice the normal number of rainy days, provided a significant amount of water to re-hydrate the soil and fill the underground reserves.

Then right on cue, sunshine and warmer temperatures returned from about mid-May. This accelerated the development of the vines and brought things almost back on track.

Flowering took place between 5th and 15th June which was more or less on the dates expected, although there were the usual variations between different grape varieties: Chardonnay leading the way, followed by the Pinot Noir and finally the Meunier.

The date of flowering has always been a reliable indicator of the date of the harvest. Historically, it used to be that the harvest followed about 100 days after flowering. These days however, 90 days is considered to be more realistic and, on that basis, we should expect picking to start in mid-September.

A lot can happen in 90 days of course, but so far there have been no reports of significant outbreaks of disease and all looks set for exactly the type of generous harvest that is needed to bring stock back into balance with demand.

Having said that, there are some signs that demand is slowing down. Shipments over the past 5 months have dropped by 3.4% versus the previous year and that is a phenomenon seen across all the three regions that are usually monitored: France, European Union and The Rest of the World.

Over the past 12 months total shipments have fallen even more, by 5.2 %, and now stand at 322 million bottles.


Ripe grapesWhether or not that slight decline in demand continues and whether it has any dampening effect on the price of champagne remains to be seen, but right now that doesn’t seem to be the case; in fact the opposite is true because if we look at the figures for 2022 the total value of champagne shipped went up by 10.9% significantly more than the volume increase in that year which was just 1.5%

What’s driving the increase in price?

First is the price of vineyard land which we touched on in last month’s bulletin. After three years of modest falls in price, 2022 saw an average increase of 2.4% over the previous year.

To put that in more concrete terms, the average price in the Marne area was €1,159 million euros per hectare with the other two principal regions being not far behind: €897,000/hectare in the Aube and €840,100/hectare in the Aisne region.

But vineyards in Champagne have always been very expensive. What’s new is the increase in the cost of dry goods and the impact of higher interest rates which have started to have a significant impact over the past year.

The most obvious input into champagne making is the grapes themselves and 2022 saw an increase of 10% in the price of grapes versus 2021. That’s an average increase and the real change has varied from region to region according to the reputation and quality of the village / area in question.

Nevertheless, the average cost per kilo of grapes is now €7 / kg and when you consider that 1.2 kg are needed to make every bottle of champagne, that’s a considerable cost even before you have started to make the wine.

Other input costs have gone up too.

The price of glass bottles, for example has increased by as much as 40% year-on-year. The price of foils, corks and cardboard packing cases has also jumped, although to a lesser extent.

The increase in interest costs has also has a major impact on costs, particularly because the rules about ageing champagne mean that champagne makers are obliged to carry heavy stocks. The rule of thumb is that you need stock in the cellars equivalent to three years of sales.

The very biggest houses have tens of millions of bottles maturing in their cellars whilst a medium sized house with sales of 100,000 – 200,000 bottles will have between 300,000 and 600,000 in stock each on of which has to be financed and if you assume €10 as the cost of each bottle in the cellar, it’s easy to see that large sums of money are tied up in stock and when the interest rate doubles or trebles that adds a huge burden on a company’s finances.

How are champagne houses responding to these challenges?

Jiles 2 verticalThe obvious and simple answer is that they have responded by increasing prices.

The increases on non-vintage cuvées have been a relatively restrained, but even on those wines champagne houses have been at pains to eliminate less profitable sales which is why sales to supermarkets are on the decline and why there are few, if any, promotions offered on champagne in those outlets.

Brands that have succeeded in establishing a strong demand for their prestige cuvées are seizing the chance to push prices up beyond what is needed just to cover the costs of production.

This strategy is referred to as premiumisation. It requires a great deal of confidence in the strength of the brand and a willingness to accept the loss of a certain percentage of customers who choose not to pay the higher prices.

To some extent the direction of travel towards premiumisation is the same for all brands whatever their size and their brand reputation and equally this is necessary, not just to maintain profit margins in an inflationary environment but also the ensure the future of champagne itself in the face of strong competition from many quarters. The variety, quality and price of other sparkling wines are constantly increasing and if champagne is to maintain its status as the world’s pre-eminent sparkling wine, it cannot be seen to be a cheap alternative – it is obliged to be the reference for both high quality and high price.

In short, don’t expect to find much cheap champagne available.

In the next month’s bulletin we’ll report again on the outlook for this year’s harvest and bring you more news of what’s going on behind the scenes in Champagne

All the best


MMIC logo in colour




Changes to labelling regulations

LabelThose of you who are already working with me on a private brand project will have heard me refer to forthcoming changes to legislation regarding labelling in the European Union and I can now give you a few more details.

From December this year additional information, including a list of ingredients, will have to be shown somewhere on the bottles; usually this is on a back label.

To many this new legislation seems very onerous and it has caused much debate in the wine trade with many actors questioning whether consumers actually want or understand this degree information, not to mention the practical issue of finding space on the bottle to display this extra information.

Be that as it may, the legislation is set to come into force from 8th December this year and it cannot be ignored by anyone wanted to sell their product in the EU. However, a few concessions have been made for champagne – more on that below.

The list of new requirements is quite lengthy and may seem rather daunting particularly because precise formulae have been given for calculating the various values to be displayed. A few concessions have been granted for champagne which may alleviate any concerns you may have, but first the list of the extra information as far as it  concerns champagne

List of ingredients in descending order i.e


Sugar content, if added

Concentrated grape juice (if added)

liqueur d’expédition

Other additives

Nutritional value

  • Kilocalories and kilojoules per 100 ml
  • Fat content
  • Saturated fatty acids and other elements such as salt content and protein content per 100 ml
  • Energy value in kcal/kJ

There are, however, three factors that mean that there is no need to panic about the new rules:

a) It will be the champagne maker, not the owner of the private brand who will have to carry out the analysis needed to satisfy the new legislation. This is not to say that the brand owner can ignore the new legislation. It simply means that the brand owner should not normally have to carry out the laboratory analysis him or herself. Mind you, the cost incurred by the champagne maker will no doubt be reflected in the sales price to the brand owner.

b) Printers and associated trades, and of course the CIVC, will no doubt be aware of the new legislation and will be able to advise on the finer points of the regulations.

c) The deadline for applying the new rules has been set at 8th December 2023, but the extended ageing time involved in producing champagne has been taken into account so that the regulations will only apply to champagne made after the deadline.

I take this to mean that only champagne bottled after the deadline will be subject to the new rules. In other words, the rules will not apply to any bottles already in the cellars or bottled and put into the cellars before the deadline.

On a lighter note, one champagne commentator has pointed out that the new rules will allow anyone who is interested to calculate the exact number of calories in a bottle or glass of champagne. The answer will vary slightly according to the dosage of the champagne but it’s approximately 72 calories per glass, about the same as a boiled egg, but perhaps more enjoyable!

The price of vineyards in Champagne

Vineyard viewOccasionally clients ask me if it is possible to buy vineyards in Champagne with view to creating a new brand. In theory it is possible although it would not be something I would recommend and if one looks at the annual survey of sales and prices in 2022 the reasons for my hesitation become apparent.

The survey of sales and prices in 2022 shows that the level of activity as well as the prices are on the rise again after a couple of quiet years.

 Vineyard plots do come up for sale every year, but they are usually small in size, and you’d need to acquire several plots in order to constitute an estate big enough to produce any serious number of bottles.

According to the report by an organisation called SAFER, there were 960 transactions in 2022 for a total of 220 hectares sold or roughly 0.6% of the total area of Champagne appellation.

That means that the average size of each plot sold was just 0.3 hectares. If you then assume that the average production per hectare is about 10,000 bottles, that translates to about 3,000 bottles per plot sold in 2022.

What’s more, the plots available for sale could be many kilometres from one another which is not ideal in terms of managing the vines.

Then, and most importantly, comes the very high price.

The least expensive plots sold last year were in the Aisne region of Champagne where the average price per plot sold was just 840,000 euros.

Using the rough calculation above you’d be paying 252,000 euros for a 0.3-hectare plot from which you could produce just 3,000 bottles – that’s 84 euros per bottle before you have done anything!

That’s in the least expensive area of Champagne. For a prime plot in one of the most prestigious areas such as La Côte des Blancs, the average price per plot sold last year was 1,659,000 euros per hectare.

Far better to work with an existing champagne maker who already has a substantial vineyard estate or who can buy in grapes at a far more economic price.

However, that is increasingly easier said than done…

Continuing pressure on supplies

Bottles in the cellarAs many readers will be aware from my recent Champagne Bulletins, two small harvests in 2020 and 2021 followed in 2022 by a far bigger increase in demand than was expected has put huge pressure on stocks of champagne. Many houses are having to choose between, on the one hand, putting all their customers on allocation in order to supply all of them with something or, on the other hand, ranking their customers and ceasing supplies altogether to the ones they consider least important.

This trend shows little sign of ending in the immediate future as has recently been confirmed by the Champagne brokers association, the SPCVC, whose co-president underlined, at their AGM, that the 325.5 million bottles shipped in 2022 was the third highest on record and that pressure on stocks is still running high and made even stronger by the arrival of new players.

What does this mean for private brands?

There are two aspects to the answer, in my view.

First, on the positive side, the demand for champagne and the fact that there are new brands entering the market reflects the strong attraction of champagne both for consumers around the world and for producers / brand owners who see the current market as offering a good opportunity for premium priced brands and robust sales.

On the other hand, there are fewer champagne makers who have any surplus stock to devote to private brands and many of those that do have stock available prefer to focus on promoting and growing sales of their own brand.

The result is that the search for suppliers of private brand champagne is far more complex than it was just two or three years ago. There are still producers who are interested in this type of project, but unsurprisingly, prices are edging up and the producers are more demanding about who they work with and want to assure themselves of the long-term viability of any new private brand projects.

Opportunities still exist; however, it is even more important than ever for anyone considering launching a private brand to present a solid, well-resourced and well-researched project with a clear strategy and a defined target market.

Light at the end of the tunnel

To finish on a positive note, this is the time of year when the wines from the previous harvest undergo a final tasting before blending and bottling and the buzz about the 2022 vintage is very exciting. The quality is said to be outstanding and there is enough volume to replenish stocks and keep pace with global demand.

Having said this, the champagnes based on the 2022 vintage will not be ready to sell until at least 2025 and probably not until a few years after that.

An easing of the supply issue is on the horizon, but more time and patience is needed before we come out of the woods. Now could be a great time to start working on your future brand plans.

I hope you enjoyed this month’s Champagne Bulletin and I’ll see you again next month.

If you'd like to discuss your own project to create a champagne brand, no matter what stage of planning you have reached, just send me an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we can arrange a meeting on Zoom.

Finally, a reminder that I have 3 domain names for sale


www.the winequiz.com


If you're interested in any or all of these, please send me an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

All the best




In this month’s Champagne Bulletin we’ll look at just two topics which tend – mistakenly - to be overlooked by many people who are considering creating a private champagne brand:

  • Long-term trends for the wine market and
  • The right time to launch a brand

Both of these should help you to look a little further into the future

Long terms trends for the wine market

Crystal BallIf you are considering creating a private champagne brand, a sound appreciation of the market environment is something you need to familiarise yourself with.

Of course, you need a passion for champagne itself but if your project is to succeed, it is essential to look at the wider business environment and to calmly and realistically assess the chances of your brand achieving the success to which you aspire.

That’s not an easy task in an industry that is subject to so many influences and shifting trends.

The world of alcoholic beverages is nothing if not dynamic: new product categories, new consumer groups and new geographic markets constantly evolve to oblige drinks producers to revise their focus and sometimes even completely to change their strategy.

For example, the explosion of interest in gin that led to the opening of hundreds of artisan gin distilleries is now cooling off as many gin distilleries cease operations and as attention seems to be moving towards rum and vodka.

The seemingly limitless profits to be made from selling wine and spirits into China led, just a few years ago, to a rush by drinks companies to capitalise on that potential. Whilst significant opportunities still exist, the enthusiasm has been dampened by the Chinese government’s restrictions on luxury entertaining.

What’s needed to see clearly through all these variables are sources of reliable and detailed information about the state of the market both now and in the future.


Fortunately, publications such as the International Wines and Spirits Record (IWSR) provide us with exactly the sort of information we need.

You can find many of these reports at  https://www.theiwsr.com/news-comment/

but the one we’ll focus on today is called

Key trends for wine in 2023 and beyond

Some of the stand-out phrases in the report don’t make very encouraging reading for anyone involved:


  • wine is a category in slow decline and there are few signs of this changing imminently
  • Fewer people are drinking less wine every year
  • the long-term trend of slowly-declining volumes in many markets expected to continue.

but read further and you’ll find that these headlines hide a much more nuanced reality and that good opportunities still exist for champagne.

Sparkling wine set to buck the trend

On first reading the report  may lead you to conclude that now is just not the right time to consider launching a new wine brand into the market, but the report also highlights some anomalies to the general downward trend for wine

Sparkling wine also came out of the pandemic stronger than it went in. The lack of big, formal celebratory occasions led to Prosecco and Champagne, in particular, being drunk more informally at home, and consumers have reassessed their attitude to the category as a result.

Of course, there are regional variations:

In the US and Canada, for example, sparkling wine is much more likely to be seen as suitable for informal consumption at home than it was pre-2020

Furthermore and, as we have discussed in the Champagne Bulletins over the past year, there is noticeable drive towards high-end products and in particular towards premium champagne.

Premium wines are performing significantly better than their lower-priced counterparts and this should continue over the coming years. Premiumisation may be most evident in the sparkling sector, where premium wines are showing strong growth, but it is also true for still wines, albeit at reduced levels.

Despite the headwinds facing many sectors of the wine industry, Champagne would appear to offer something of a safe haven which goes a long way to explain the flurry of acquisitions we’ve seen in the past year or so (and which we’ve covered in previous Champagne Bulletins) of small to medium size champagne houses by large international groups which still see attractive opportunities ahead for premium champagne.

When to launch?


There are many factors to consider and a helpful way to approach them is to look at two sides of the equation: supply and demand

On the supply side, stocks in Champagne are still very tight. Many houses have introduced an allocation system in an attempt to partially satisfy all existing customers; the idea being that no single customer gets as much as they would like, but they all get something.

A more drastic approach, which was a dilemma I experienced personally a few years ago, is to cease supplying some customers entirely. As you can imagine, this strategy created some very unhappy customers, and you have to have huge confidence in the power of your brand to tempt even these offended customers to order again at some time in future when stocks are available again.

With stocks under so much pressure in Champagne and lead times being very extended at the moment, it is unrealistic to think in terms of a new brand being ready to launch by the end of this year unless you are already well advanced in the brand creation process.

Even if you have already made good progress, do think of securing your future orders by paying a deposit now.

The stock situation will not significantly improve until 2025 at the earliest when the wines from the 2022 harvest start to become available and even that depends on this year’s harvest being of a reasonable size.

On the demand size, do bear in mind that many importers and distributors decide in Spring on the range that will carry at the end of the year, so the first quarter of the year is the time to be pitching your new brand concept to the trade.

To discuss your current or future plans for a champagne brand, please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

All the best